So I have been putting my brain to the task on this very subject for a long time. I continue to ask, “Does Life, Liberty and the Persuit of Happiness still exist?”. In what ways does it still exist in this great country of ours? Well, let's go down the list of ways I feel we have lost it or at least its on a two inch leash.
Go back to early 2020. What was life like just a little over a year ago? Did you own a small business, work for a small business or were you often a customer at a small business that you enjoyed patronizing for whatever reason? Is that business still in business or has it closed its doors permanently?
Before the PLANDEMIC, you and I were free to patronize any business we wanted to. As a small business owner, you had the freedom to run your business as you see fit. Can you still do so? If you live in some of these states that have lifted certain mandates then yes you may be back to normal. Odds are, you aren't back to normal and you are still losing money.
Now, let's go to the consumer. Can you still do business at these places the same way as you usually did? (Pre-PLANDEMIC). Odds are, you cant. You probly have to wear a mask to go in. You probly have that plexiglass divider between you and that same person you used to hold conversations with a year ago.
Your probly saying, “But, its for the greater good. We gotta keep people from dying from covid". Ok, let's continue then.
The anointed one (Fauci) says we can't go back to normal until we get the vaccine. Now that we have the vaccine, we still have to wear masks because the vaccine won't stop you from spreading the “virus". Did you ever stop and think about how little interaction you may have had with other people because of the PLANDEMIC? I dont mean on social media or on a phone call. I mean actual interaction. Does socializing with others bring happiness? Okay, I get it…there are tons of people that you prefer staying away from. Lmao…me too. So, did they stop you from pursuing happiness?
Now take the small business side of it. Small businesses get their “pursuit of happiness" by being successful and also by watching customers being happy with their business. How many business owners were fined or jailed for simply staying open? In New York and New Jersey there were quite a few. The reasoning was that they weren't essential. Why is it not ESSENTIAL for us to “pursue happiness"? Why does government have the authority to tell us that we are only allowed to have so many customers? Oh wait, they didn’t. But somehow they still managed to have the power to do it. How did they get the power to tell us we need to wear masks? But yet in states with the tightest mandates they still have the highest number if cases.
How did they manage to get the power to tell us if we are important enough to have our open or closed. Dont forget, this virus was so smart that it didn't enter big chain stores that were packed with people but it did enter the small businesses. Its very strange indeed.
Most people think the government gained power by the way we vote. In a small way thats true but where they get their power from is by us being captivated by their SUGGESTIONS. The most important ingredient for a dictator is for the population to be sheep. They say jump and the people ask how high they need to jump, not why.
Imagine what would have happened if just thirty percent of the people would have ignored what big government was telling us. Oh we could have maybe washed our hands more often and not sneezed on each other but maybe just not listened to the dictators’ orders.
First thing I can tell you is there would be a lot less damage to businesses that actually matter.
If your a liberal/leftist, READ VERY SLOW…THIS IS FOR YOU.
YOU DONT NEED GOVERNMENT TO TELL YOU WHAT TO DO IN EVERY STEP OF YOUR DAY. I know, its shocking to you but take a deep breath, there's more.
If you think wearing a mask makes sense…THEN WEAR THE DAMN MASK. You dont need ANYONE telling you that you should do it before you can do it. I know I know, your screaming and saying others don't wear em if you don't tell them to. I have a solution for that as well. You ready for it? DONT GO NEAR THEM! STAY HOME IF YOU’RE SO SCARED!!! It is litterally that simple. Noone has to do things to accommodate ONLY YOU. You are NOT the only person on the planet.
Here is another idea. If you are some place and you dont feel safe because someone isn't wearing your god…I mean…the mask…you can simply ask them respectfully to if they would please wear one and I bet you nine times out of ten they would wear one. How do I know thses options are possible? Because it works the other way around as well.
I DONT wear a mask. If a business chooses to tell me I cant be there (rarely happens) without a mask, guess what I do? I LEAVE! Thats called Liberty. I choose to shop where I want to shop, how I want to shop and what I want to shop for.
Ok, while the liberals recover ill try to finish up with this.
I'm not saying if a law enforcement officer tries to arrest you that you beat them up or injure them in any way, like BLM does. I’m simply saying, when the government tells you something…assume they are lying and do your own research. If it’s not what they say, don't listen to them.
We give them the power by being submissive to their every command. Dictators can't be dictators without a submissive audience. I ask once again, how much different would it be if we would have kept on with our daily routine and take our own precautions OUR OWN WAY? The mask issue is only part of it. I can write a whole article on it if it comes to that. I BELIEVE the mask mandates and people wearing it is only the VISIBLE sign of total submission. The bigger picture is the idea that many many businesses allowed themselves to go out of business because they didn't band together and stand up to the tyranny. What's that old saying about once given the power it’s almost impossible to give it back?